For, as I suppose, no man in this world hath lived better than I have done, to achieve that I have done.
Sir Thomas Malory
The legend of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table is one of the most enduring and influential stories in world literature, and the principal players, Arthur, Merlin, Guenever and Launcelot need no introduction. 'Le Morte d'Arthur' was completed around 1469 -1470, and the most likely author is Sir Thomas Malory of Newbold Revel in Warwickshire
The precise identity of the Sir Thomas Malory who wrote Le Morte d’Arthur has always been a matter of some debate, as there are no less than six men of this name who have been looked at as possible candidates.
The story itself tells us that Malory was a ‘knight-prisoner’, and that Le Morte d’Arthur was completed in the ninth year of the reign of King Edward the Fourth – so around 1469/1470.
The most likely candidate is Sir Thomas Malory of Newbold Revel in Warwickshire, born between 1414 and 1418. The full details of his colourful life are included in the introduction to the book.